class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Teaching an Introductory Data Science course with tidyverse workshop ## Data Wrangling ### Dr. Mine Dogucu ### 2021-12-15 --- layout: true <!-- This file by Mine Dogucu is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License (CC BY-SA 2.5) More information about the license can be found at --> <div class="my-header"></div> <div class="my-footer"> CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 <a href="">Mine Dogucu</a></div> --- class: middle ## Goals - The pipe operator - Subsetting data frames - Changing variables - Aggregating Data --- class: inverse middle .font50[Three solutions to a single problem] --- class: middle What is the average of 4, 8, 16 approximately? --- class: middle 1.What is the average of **4, 8, 16** approximately? --- class: middle 2.What is the **average** of 4, 8, 16 approximately? --- class: middle 3.What is the average of 4, 8, 16 **approximately**? --- class: middle inverse .font50[Solution 1: Functions within Functions] --- ```r c(4, 8, 16) ``` ``` ## [1] 4 8 16 ``` -- <hr> ```r mean(c(4, 8, 16)) ``` ``` ## [1] 9.333333 ``` -- <hr> ```r round(mean(c(4, 8, 16))) ``` ``` ## [1] 9 ``` --- class: middle **Problem with writing functions within functions** Things will get messy and more difficult to read and debug as we deal with more complex operations on data. --- class: middle inverse .font50[Solution 2: Creating Objects] --- class: middle ```r numbers <- c(4, 8, 16) numbers ``` ``` ## [1] 4 8 16 ``` -- <hr> ```r avg_number <- mean(numbers) avg_number ``` ``` ## [1] 9.333333 ``` -- <hr> ```r round(avg_number) ``` ``` ## [1] 9 ``` --- class: middle **Problem with creating many objects** We will end up with too many objects in `Environment`. --- class: middle inverse .font50[Solution 3: The (forward) Pipe Operator %>% ] --- class: middle .font75[Shortcut: <br>Ctrl (Command) + Shift + M] --- class: middle .pull-left[ ```r c(4, 8, 16) %>% mean() %>% round() ``` ``` ## [1] 9 ``` ] .pull-right[ Combine 4, 8, and 16 `and then` Take the mean `and then` Round the output ] --- class: middle The output of the first function is the first argument of the second function. --- Do you recall composite functions such as `\(f \circ g(x)\)`? -- Now we have `\(f \circ g \circ h (x)\)` or `round(mean(c(4, 8, 16)))` -- .pull-left[ ```r h(x) %>% g() %>% f() ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r c(4, 8, 16) %>% mean() %>% round() ``` ] --- class: middle inverse .font50[Subsetting data frames] --- ```r glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 68,564 ## Columns: 35 ## $ `Row ID` <chr> "3-1000027830ctFu", "3-… ## $ Year <dbl> 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013,… ## $ `Department Title` <chr> "Police (LAPD)", "Polic… ## $ `Payroll Department` <dbl> 4301, 4302, 4301, 4301,… ## $ `Record Number` <dbl> 1000027830, 1000155488,… ## $ `Job Class Title` <chr> "Police Detective II", … ## $ `Employment Type` <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time… ## $ `Hourly or Event Rate` <dbl> 53.16, 23.77, 60.80, 60… ## $ `Projected Annual Salary` <dbl> 110998.08, 49623.67, 12… ## $ `Q1 Payments` <dbl> 24931.20, 11343.96, 241… ## $ `Q2 Payments` <dbl> 29181.61, 13212.37, 283… ## $ `Q3 Payments` <dbl> 26545.80, 11508.36, 287… ## $ `Q4 Payments` <dbl> 29605.30, 13442.53, 332… ## $ `Payments Over Base Pay` <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 13192… ## $ `% Over Base Pay` <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,… ## $ `Total Payments` <dbl> 110263.91, 49507.22, 11… ## $ `Base Pay` <dbl> 105764.79, 47662.40, 10… ## $ `Permanent Bonus Pay` <dbl> 3174.12, 0.00, 7363.95,… ## $ `Longevity Bonus Pay` <dbl> 0.00, 1310.82, 0.00, 0.… ## $ `Temporary Bonus Pay` <dbl> 1325.00, 0.00, 1205.00,… ## $ `Lump Sum Pay` <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 2133.18, 0.… ## $ `Overtime Pay` <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 4424.32, 98… ## $ `Other Pay & Adjustments` <dbl> 0.00, 534.00, -1934.02,… ## $ `Other Pay (Payroll Explorer)` <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 8768.… ## $ MOU <chr> "24", "3", "24", "24", … ## $ `MOU Title` <chr> "POLICE OFFICERS UNIT",… ## $ `FMS Department` <dbl> 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,… ## $ `Job Class` <chr> "2223", "1358", "2227",… ## $ `Pay Grade` <chr> "2", "0", "1", "1", "0"… ## $ `Average Health Cost` <dbl> 11651.40, 10710.24, 116… ## $ `Average Dental Cost` <dbl> 898.08, 405.24, 898.08,… ## $ `Average Basic Life` <dbl> 191.04, 11.40, 191.04, … ## $ `Average Benefit Cost` <dbl> 12740.52, 11126.88, 127… ## $ `Benefits Plan` <chr> "Police", "City", "Poli… ## $ `Job Class Link` <chr> "… ``` --- Before we work with this data it is a good idea to change variable names to tidy style. ```r lapd <- clean_names(lapd) glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 68,564 ## Columns: 35 ## $ row_id <chr> "3-1000027830ctFu", "3-1000… ## $ year <dbl> 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 201… ## $ department_title <chr> "Police (LAPD)", "Police (L… ## $ payroll_department <dbl> 4301, 4302, 4301, 4301, 430… ## $ record_number <dbl> 1000027830, 1000155488, 100… ## $ job_class_title <chr> "Police Detective II", "Cle… ## $ employment_type <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time", "… ## $ hourly_or_event_rate <dbl> 53.16, 23.77, 60.80, 60.98,… ## $ projected_annual_salary <dbl> 110998.08, 49623.67, 126950… ## $ q1_payments <dbl> 24931.20, 11343.96, 24184.0… ## $ q2_payments <dbl> 29181.61, 13212.37, 28327.2… ## $ q3_payments <dbl> 26545.80, 11508.36, 28744.2… ## $ q4_payments <dbl> 29605.30, 13442.53, 33224.8… ## $ payments_over_base_pay <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 13192.43,… ## $ percent_over_base_pay <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ total_payments <dbl> 110263.91, 49507.22, 114480… ## $ base_pay <dbl> 105764.79, 47662.40, 101287… ## $ permanent_bonus_pay <dbl> 3174.12, 0.00, 7363.95, 708… ## $ longevity_bonus_pay <dbl> 0.00, 1310.82, 0.00, 0.00, … ## $ temporary_bonus_pay <dbl> 1325.00, 0.00, 1205.00, 132… ## $ lump_sum_pay <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 2133.18, 0.00, … ## $ overtime_pay <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 4424.32, 9839.3… ## $ other_pay_adjustments <dbl> 0.00, 534.00, -1934.02, -21… ## $ other_pay_payroll_explorer <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 8768.11, … ## $ mou <chr> "24", "3", "24", "24", "12"… ## $ mou_title <chr> "POLICE OFFICERS UNIT", "CL… ## $ fms_department <dbl> 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,… ## $ job_class <chr> "2223", "1358", "2227", "22… ## $ pay_grade <chr> "2", "0", "1", "1", "0", "2… ## $ average_health_cost <dbl> 11651.40, 10710.24, 11651.4… ## $ average_dental_cost <dbl> 898.08, 405.24, 898.08, 898… ## $ average_basic_life <dbl> 191.04, 11.40, 191.04, 191.… ## $ average_benefit_cost <dbl> 12740.52, 11126.88, 12740.5… ## $ benefits_plan <chr> "Police", "City", "Police",… ## $ job_class_link <chr> "… ``` --- class: middle ## subsetting variables/columns <img src="img/data-wrangle.001.jpeg" width="80%" /> -- `select()` --- class: middle ## subsetting observations/rows <img src="img/data-wrangle.002.jpeg" width="80%" /> `slice()` and `filter()` --- `select` is used to select certain variables in the data frame. .left-panel[ ```r select(lapd, year, base_pay) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 2 ## year base_pay ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2013 105765. ## 2 2013 47662. ## 3 2013 101288. ## 4 2013 118087. ## 5 2013 90322. ## 6 2013 62770. ## 7 2013 93718. ## 8 2013 0 ## 9 2013 51246. ## 10 2013 74227. ## # … with 68,554 more rows ``` ] -- .right-panel[ ```r lapd %>% select(year, base_pay) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 2 ## year base_pay ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2013 105765. ## 2 2013 47662. ## 3 2013 101288. ## 4 2013 118087. ## 5 2013 90322. ## 6 2013 62770. ## 7 2013 93718. ## 8 2013 0 ## 9 2013 51246. ## 10 2013 74227. ## # … with 68,554 more rows ``` ] --- `select` can also be used to drop certain variables if used with a negative sign. ```r select(lapd, -row_id, -department_title) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 33 ## year payroll_department record_number job_class_title ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 2013 4301 1000027830 Police Detective II ## 2 2013 4302 1000155488 Clerk Typist ## 3 2013 4301 1000194958 Police Sergeant I ## 4 2013 4301 1000232317 Police Lieutenant I ## 5 2013 4302 1000329284 Principal Storekeeper ## 6 2013 4302 1001124320 Police Service Repres… ## 7 2013 4301 1001221822 Police Officer III ## 8 2013 4301 1001243583 Police Sergeant I ## 9 2013 4301 1001317832 Police Officer II ## 10 2013 4301 100162910 Police Officer II ## # … with 68,554 more rows, and 29 more variables: ## # employment_type <chr>, hourly_or_event_rate <dbl>, ## # projected_annual_salary <dbl>, q1_payments <dbl>, ## # q2_payments <dbl>, q3_payments <dbl>, q4_payments <dbl>, ## # payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # total_payments <dbl>, base_pay <dbl>, ## # permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, longevity_bonus_pay <dbl>, … ``` --- class: middle ## Selection helpers `starts_with()` `ends_with()` `contains()` --- ```r select(lapd, starts_with("q")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 4 ## q1_payments q2_payments q3_payments q4_payments ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 24931. 29182. 26546. 29605. ## 2 11344. 13212. 11508. 13443. ## 3 24184 28327. 28744. 33225. ## 4 29391. 36591. 32905. 37234. ## 5 20813 24136 21518. 25231. ## 6 16057. 17927. 14150. 17052. ## 7 22162. 25664. 23404. 24586. ## 8 0 0 331. 0 ## 9 11941. 14330. 13404. 14537. ## 10 17046. 20457. 18777. 21371. ## # … with 68,554 more rows ``` --- ```r select(lapd, ends_with("pay")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 8 ## payments_over_ba… percent_over_bas… base_pay permanent_bonus… ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 4499. 0 105765. 3174. ## 2 1845. 0 47662. 0 ## 3 13192. 0 101288. 7364. ## 4 18035. 0 118087. 7087. ## 5 1376. 0 90322. 0 ## 6 2415. 0 62770. 0 ## 7 2099. 0 93718. 866. ## 8 331. 0 0 0 ## 9 2967. 0 51246. 1540. ## 10 3424. 0 74227. 2233. ## # … with 68,554 more rows, and 4 more variables: ## # longevity_bonus_pay <dbl>, temporary_bonus_pay <dbl>, ## # lump_sum_pay <dbl>, overtime_pay <dbl> ``` --- ```r select(lapd, contains("pay")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 68,564 × 17 ## payroll_department q1_payments q2_payments q3_payments ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 4301 24931. 29182. 26546. ## 2 4302 11344. 13212. 11508. ## 3 4301 24184 28327. 28744. ## 4 4301 29391. 36591. 32905. ## 5 4302 20813 24136 21518. ## 6 4302 16057. 17927. 14150. ## 7 4301 22162. 25664. 23404. ## 8 4301 0 0 331. ## 9 4301 11941. 14330. 13404. ## 10 4301 17046. 20457. 18777. ## # … with 68,554 more rows, and 13 more variables: ## # q4_payments <dbl>, payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, total_payments <dbl>, ## # base_pay <dbl>, permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, ## # longevity_bonus_pay <dbl>, temporary_bonus_pay <dbl>, ## # lump_sum_pay <dbl>, overtime_pay <dbl>, ## # other_pay_adjustments <dbl>, … ``` --- class: middle ## subsetting variables/columns <img src="img/data-wrangle.001.jpeg" width="80%" /> -- `select()` --- ## subsetting observations/rows <img src="img/data-wrangle.002.jpeg" width="80%" /> `slice()` and `filter()` --- .pull-left[ `slice()` subsetting rows based on a row number. The data below include all the rows from third to seventh. Including third and seventh. ```r slice(lapd, 3:7) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 × 35 ## row_id year department_title payroll_departm… record_number ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3-10001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000194958 ## 2 3-10002… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000232317 ## 3 3-10003… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4302 1000329284 ## 4 3-10011… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001124320 ## 5 3-10012… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001221822 ## # … with 30 more variables: job_class_title <chr>, ## # employment_type <chr>, hourly_or_event_rate <dbl>, ## # projected_annual_salary <dbl>, q1_payments <dbl>, ## # q2_payments <dbl>, q3_payments <dbl>, q4_payments <dbl>, ## # payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # total_payments <dbl>, base_pay <dbl>, ## # permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, longevity_bonus_pay <dbl>, … ``` ] -- .pull-right[ `filter()` subsetting rows based on a condition. The data below includes rows when the recorded year is 2018. ```r filter(lapd, year == 2018) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 35 ## row_id year department_title payroll_departm… record_number ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000027830 ## 2 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000194958 ## 3 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000232317 ## 4 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001124320 ## 5 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001221822 ## 6 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001317832 ## 7 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 100162910 ## 8 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001675957 ## 9 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001884819 ## 10 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001893163 ## # … with 14,814 more rows, and 30 more variables: ## # job_class_title <chr>, employment_type <chr>, ## # hourly_or_event_rate <dbl>, projected_annual_salary <dbl>, ## # q1_payments <dbl>, q2_payments <dbl>, q3_payments <dbl>, ## # q4_payments <dbl>, payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, total_payments <dbl>, ## # base_pay <dbl>, permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, … ``` ] --- class: middle .pull-left[ ### Relational Operators in R | Operator | Description | |----------|--------------------------| | < | Less than | | > | Greater than | | <= | Less than or equal to | | >= | Greater than or equal to | | == | Equal to | | != | Not equal to | ] .pull-right[ ### Logical Operators in R | Operator | Description | |----------|-------------| | & | and | | | | or | ] --- class: middle Q. According to [](,%2462%2C474%2C%20a%203.78%25%20increase.) Los Angeles had a median household income of $62474 in 2018. How many LAPD staff members had a base pay higher than $62474 in year 2018 according to this data? .footnote[Median household income is **not** the same thing as median employee income. Our aim is data wrangling and not necessarily statistical analysis for now.] --- ```r lapd %>% filter(year == 2018 & base_pay > 62474) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 11,690 × 35 ## row_id year department_title payroll_departm… record_number ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000027830 ## 2 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000194958 ## 3 8-1000… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000232317 ## 4 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001124320 ## 5 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001221822 ## 6 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001317832 ## 7 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 100162910 ## 8 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001675957 ## 9 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001884819 ## 10 8-1001… 2018 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001893163 ## # … with 11,680 more rows, and 30 more variables: ## # job_class_title <chr>, employment_type <chr>, ## # hourly_or_event_rate <dbl>, projected_annual_salary <dbl>, ## # q1_payments <dbl>, q2_payments <dbl>, q3_payments <dbl>, ## # q4_payments <dbl>, payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, total_payments <dbl>, ## # base_pay <dbl>, permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, … ``` --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% filter(year == 2018 & base_pay > 62474) %>% nrow() ``` ``` ## [1] 11690 ``` --- class: middle Q. How many observations are available between 2013 and 2015 including 2013 and 2015? -- ```r lapd %>% filter(year >= 2013 & year <= 2015) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 40,227 × 35 ## row_id year department_title payroll_departm… record_number ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3-1000… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000027830 ## 2 3-1000… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4302 1000155488 ## 3 3-1000… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000194958 ## 4 3-1000… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1000232317 ## 5 3-1000… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4302 1000329284 ## 6 3-1001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4302 1001124320 ## 7 3-1001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001221822 ## 8 3-1001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001243583 ## 9 3-1001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 1001317832 ## 10 3-1001… 2013 Police (LAPD) 4301 100162910 ## # … with 40,217 more rows, and 30 more variables: ## # job_class_title <chr>, employment_type <chr>, ## # hourly_or_event_rate <dbl>, projected_annual_salary <dbl>, ## # q1_payments <dbl>, q2_payments <dbl>, q3_payments <dbl>, ## # q4_payments <dbl>, payments_over_base_pay <dbl>, ## # percent_over_base_pay <dbl>, total_payments <dbl>, ## # base_pay <dbl>, permanent_bonus_pay <dbl>, … ``` --- class: middle Q. How many observations are available between 2013 and 2015 including 2013 and 2015? ```r lapd %>% filter(year >= 2013 & year <= 2015) %>% nrow() ``` ``` ## [1] 40227 ``` --- class: middle Q. How many LAPD staff were employed full time in 2018? ```r lapd %>% filter(employment_type == "Full Time" & year == 2018) %>% nrow() ``` ``` ## [1] 14664 ``` --- class: middle We have done all sorts of selections, slicing, filtering on `lapd` but it has not changed at all. Why do you think so? ```r glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 68,564 ## Columns: 35 ## $ row_id <chr> "3-1000027830ctFu", "3-1000… ## $ year <dbl> 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 201… ## $ department_title <chr> "Police (LAPD)", "Police (L… ## $ payroll_department <dbl> 4301, 4302, 4301, 4301, 430… ## $ record_number <dbl> 1000027830, 1000155488, 100… ## $ job_class_title <chr> "Police Detective II", "Cle… ## $ employment_type <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time", "… ## $ hourly_or_event_rate <dbl> 53.16, 23.77, 60.80, 60.98,… ## $ projected_annual_salary <dbl> 110998.08, 49623.67, 126950… ## $ q1_payments <dbl> 24931.20, 11343.96, 24184.0… ## $ q2_payments <dbl> 29181.61, 13212.37, 28327.2… ## $ q3_payments <dbl> 26545.80, 11508.36, 28744.2… ## $ q4_payments <dbl> 29605.30, 13442.53, 33224.8… ## $ payments_over_base_pay <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 13192.43,… ## $ percent_over_base_pay <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … ## $ total_payments <dbl> 110263.91, 49507.22, 114480… ## $ base_pay <dbl> 105764.79, 47662.40, 101287… ## $ permanent_bonus_pay <dbl> 3174.12, 0.00, 7363.95, 708… ## $ longevity_bonus_pay <dbl> 0.00, 1310.82, 0.00, 0.00, … ## $ temporary_bonus_pay <dbl> 1325.00, 0.00, 1205.00, 132… ## $ lump_sum_pay <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 2133.18, 0.00, … ## $ overtime_pay <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 4424.32, 9839.3… ## $ other_pay_adjustments <dbl> 0.00, 534.00, -1934.02, -21… ## $ other_pay_payroll_explorer <dbl> 4499.12, 1844.82, 8768.11, … ## $ mou <chr> "24", "3", "24", "24", "12"… ## $ mou_title <chr> "POLICE OFFICERS UNIT", "CL… ## $ fms_department <dbl> 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,… ## $ job_class <chr> "2223", "1358", "2227", "22… ## $ pay_grade <chr> "2", "0", "1", "1", "0", "2… ## $ average_health_cost <dbl> 11651.40, 10710.24, 11651.4… ## $ average_dental_cost <dbl> 898.08, 405.24, 898.08, 898… ## $ average_basic_life <dbl> 191.04, 11.40, 191.04, 191.… ## $ average_benefit_cost <dbl> 12740.52, 11126.88, 12740.5… ## $ benefits_plan <chr> "Police", "City", "Police",… ## $ job_class_link <chr> "… ``` --- class: middle Moving forward we are only going to focus on year 2018, and use `job_class_title`, `employment_type`, and `base_pay`. Let's clean our data accordingly and move on with the smaller `lapd` data that we need. --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% filter(year == 2018) %>% select(job_class_title, employment_type, base_pay) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 3 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 ## 4 Police Service Representative II Full Time 78677. ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- class: middle ```r lapd <- lapd %>% filter(year == 2018) %>% select(job_class_title, employment_type, base_pay) ``` --- class: middle ```r glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 14,824 ## Columns: 3 ## $ job_class_title <chr> "Police Detective II", "Police Sergean… ## $ employment_type <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time", "Full Time",… ## $ base_pay <dbl> 119321.60, 113270.70, 148116.00, 78676… ``` **Goal**: Create a new variable called `base_pay_k` that represents `base_pay` in thousand dollars. --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% mutate(base_pay_k = base_pay/1000) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 4 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay base_pay_k ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. 119. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. 113. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 148. ## 4 Police Service Represent… Full Time 78677. 78.7 ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. 109. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. 95.0 ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. 95.4 ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. 95.4 ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 80.5 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 69.6 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- class: middle ```r glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 14,824 ## Columns: 3 ## $ job_class_title <chr> "Police Detective II", "Police Sergean… ## $ employment_type <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time", "Full Time",… ## $ base_pay <dbl> 119321.60, 113270.70, 148116.00, 78676… ``` **Goal**: Create a new variable called `base_pay_level` which has `Less Than 0`, `No Income`, `Less than Median and Greater than 0` and `Greater than Median`. We will consider $62474 as the median (from previous lecture). --- class: middle Let's first check to see there is anyone earning exactly the median value. ```r lapd %>% filter(base_pay == 62474) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 0 × 3 ## # … with 3 variables: job_class_title <chr>, ## # employment_type <chr>, base_pay <dbl> ``` --- ```r lapd %>% mutate(base_pay_level = case_when( base_pay < 0 ~ "Less than 0", base_pay == 0 ~ "No Income", base_pay < 62474 & base_pay > 0 ~ "Less than Median, Greater than 0", base_pay > 62474 ~ "Greater than Median")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 4 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay base_pay_level ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. Greater than M… ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. Greater than M… ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 Greater than M… ## 4 Police Service Repr… Full Time 78677. Greater than M… ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. Greater than M… ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. Greater than M… ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. Greater than M… ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. Greater than M… ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 Greater than M… ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 Greater than M… ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- ```r lapd %>% mutate(base_pay_level = case_when( base_pay < 0 ~ "Less than 0", base_pay == 0 ~ "No Income", base_pay < 62474 & base_pay > 0 ~ "Less than Median, Greater than 0", base_pay > 62474 ~ "Greater than Median")) %>% select(base_pay_level) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 1 ## base_pay_level ## <chr> ## 1 Greater than Median ## 2 Greater than Median ## 3 Greater than Median ## 4 Greater than Median ## 5 Greater than Median ## 6 Greater than Median ## 7 Greater than Median ## 8 Greater than Median ## 9 Greater than Median ## 10 Greater than Median ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- We can use pipes with ggplot too! .left-panel[ ```r lapd %>% mutate(base_pay_level = case_when( base_pay < 0 ~ "Less than 0", base_pay == 0 ~ "No Income", base_pay < 62474 & base_pay > 0 ~ "Less than Median, Greater than 0", base_pay > 62474 ~ "Greater than Median")) %>% select(base_pay_level) %>% ggplot(aes(x = base_pay_level)) + geom_bar() ``` ] .right-panel[ <!-- --> ] --- class: middle ```r glimpse(lapd) ``` ``` ## Rows: 14,824 ## Columns: 3 ## $ job_class_title <chr> "Police Detective II", "Police Sergean… ## $ employment_type <chr> "Full Time", "Full Time", "Full Time",… ## $ base_pay <dbl> 119321.60, 113270.70, 148116.00, 78676… ``` **Goal**: Make `job_class_title` and `employment_type` factor variables. --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% mutate(employment_type = as.factor(employment_type), job_class_title = as.factor(job_class_title)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 3 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay ## <fct> <fct> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 ## 4 Police Service Representative II Full Time 78677. ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- class: middle `as.factor()` - makes a vector factor `as.numeric()` - makes a vector numeric `as.integer()` - makes a vector integer `as.double()` - makes a vector double `as.character()` - makes a vector character --- class: middle Once again we did not "save" anything into `lapd`. As we work on data cleaning it makes sense not to "save" the data frames. Once we see the final data frame we want then we can "save" (i.e. overwrite) it. --- In your lecture notes, you can do all the changes in this lecture in one long set of piped code. That's the beauty of piping! ```r lapd <- lapd %>% clean_names() %>% filter(year == 2018) %>% select(job_class_title, employment_type, base_pay) %>% mutate(employment_type = as.factor(employment_type), job_class_title = as.factor(job_class_title), base_pay_level = case_when( base_pay < 0 ~ "Less than 0", base_pay == 0 ~ "No Income", base_pay < 62474 & base_pay > 0 ~ "Less than Median, Greater than 0", base_pay > 62474 ~ "Greater than Median")) ``` --- class: middle ## Word of caution The functions `clean_names()`, `select()`, `filter()`, `mutate()` all take a data frame as the first argument. Even though we do not see it, the data frame is piped through from the previous step of code at each step. When we use these functions without the `%>%` we have to include the data frame explicitly. .pull-left[ Data frame is used as the first argument ```r clean_names(lapd) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 3 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 ## 4 Police Service Representative II Full Time 78677. ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` ] .pull-right[ Data frame is piped ```r lapd %>% clean_names() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 3 ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 ## 4 Police Service Representative II Full Time 78677. ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` ] --- class: middle .pull-left[ ## Data Observations ] .pull-left[ ## Aggregate Data Summaries of observations ] --- class: inverse middle .font75[Aggregating Categorical Data] --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% count(employment_type) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 2 ## employment_type n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 Full Time 14664 ## 2 Part Time 132 ## 3 Per Event 28 ``` --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% count(employment_type) %>% mutate(prop = n/sum(n)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 3 ## employment_type n prop ## <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 Full Time 14664 0.989 ## 2 Part Time 132 0.00890 ## 3 Per Event 28 0.00189 ``` --- class: middle ## Mean ```r summarize(lapd, mean_base_pay = mean(base_pay)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 1 ## mean_base_pay ## <dbl> ## 1 85149. ``` --- ## Median .pull-left[ ```r summarize(lapd, median(base_pay)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 1 ## `median(base_pay)` ## <dbl> ## 1 97601. ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r median(lapd$base_pay) ``` ``` ## [1] 97600.66 ``` ] --- ## Quantiles ```r summarize(lapd, quantile(base_pay, c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75))) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 1 ## `quantile(base_pay, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))` ## <dbl> ## 1 67266. ## 2 97601. ## 3 109368. ``` --- class: middle We can use multiple functions such as `mean()` and `median` within the summarize function. ```r summarize(lapd, mean(base_pay), median(base_pay)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 2 ## `mean(base_pay)` `median(base_pay)` ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 85149. 97601. ``` --- class: middle In order to display the variable names more legibly in the output, we can assign variable names to numerical summaries (e.g. `mean_base_pay`). ```r summarize(lapd, mean_base_pay = mean(base_pay), med_base_pay = median(base_pay)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 × 2 ## mean_base_pay med_base_pay ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 85149. 97601. ``` --- class: middle Some tther useful functions that `summarize()` can handle are: `min()` `max()` `sd()` `var()` --- class: inverse middle .font75[Aggregating Data by Groups] --- class: middle `group_by()` <img src="img/data-wrangle.003.jpeg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> `group_by()` separates the data frame by the groups. Any action following `group_by()` will be completed for each group separately. --- class: middle Q. What is the median salary for each employment type? --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% group_by(employment_type) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 14,824 × 3 ## # Groups: employment_type [3] ## job_class_title employment_type base_pay ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Police Detective II Full Time 119322. ## 2 Police Sergeant I Full Time 113271. ## 3 Police Lieutenant II Full Time 148116 ## 4 Police Service Representative II Full Time 78677. ## 5 Police Officer III Full Time 109374. ## 6 Police Officer II Full Time 95002. ## 7 Police Officer II Full Time 95379. ## 8 Police Officer II Full Time 95388. ## 9 Equipment Mechanic Full Time 80496 ## 10 Detention Officer Full Time 69640 ## # … with 14,814 more rows ``` --- class: middle ```r lapd %>% group_by(employment_type) %>% summarize(med_base_pay = median(base_pay)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 2 ## employment_type med_base_pay ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Full Time 97996. ## 2 Part Time 14474. ## 3 Per Event 4275 ``` --- class: middle We can also remind ourselves how many staff members there were in each group. ```r lapd %>% group_by(employment_type) %>% summarize(med_base_pay = median(base_pay), count = n()) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 × 3 ## employment_type med_base_pay count ## <chr> <dbl> <int> ## 1 Full Time 97996. 14664 ## 2 Part Time 14474. 132 ## 3 Per Event 4275 28 ``` Note that `n()` does not take any arguments. --- class: middle ## Schedule for the Day __10:00 - 10:15 Introduction and Setup__ __10:15 - 11:15 Introduction to Toolkit and Data Basics__ __11:20 - 12:30 Data Visualization__ __1:00 - 1:45 Data Wrangling__ 1:45 - 2:15 Packages and External Datasets 2:15 - 2:30 Wrap Up