Talk at Data Science and Society Initiative, Vassar College
Only 4.8 % of technical roles are held by Hispanic employees, 2.4 % by Black employees and 25.8 % by women at Meta (2022)
Of Google’s technical roles in the US, 1.2 % are held by Black women, 1.3 % by Latina women, and 0.2 % by Native American women (2023)
Only 6.5% of Google’s global employees(technical and nontechnical) report having a disability, whereas World Health Organization estimates that 16% of the world’s population experience significant disability (2023).
Teaching Accessibly
Teaching Accessibility
Recommendations for the Community
Teaching Accessibly
Write a Book on Bayesian Statistics that is Accessible and Inclusive
Cost of books and supplies for a student at a four-year university in 2021 was estimated to be $1240 per year (Hanson, 2021).
About 11% of the students indicated that they skipped meals in order to afford books and course materials (Hanson, 2021).
The page has been accessed from more than 150 countries.
Assistive Technology is any form of technology (software, device) that helps people with disabilities perform certain activities.
A screen reader is an assistive technology that supports blind or visually impaired people in using their computer.
The video shows use of a screen reader briefly.
How can we live if we don’t change? —Beyoncé. Lyric from “Satellites.”
What is probability?
As you read the book and put Bayesian methodology into practice, you will make mistakes. Many mistakes. Making and learning from mistakes is simply part of learning. We hope that you persist through the struggle of learning so that you can contribute your unique insights, perspectives, and experiences to the Bayesian community.
The proof is obvious.
Teaching Accessibility
Between first CRAN download and alt-text feature request, there were 22,622,426 CRAN downloads of knitr.
Developers Create Tools with no Accessibility Support
Data Scientists Create Inacessible Products
Curriculum Does Not Teach Accessibility
Developers Create Tools with no Accessibility Support
Data Scientists Create Inacessible Products
I was supported by the Teach Access network.
JooYoung Seo
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Computing Competencies for Undergraduate Data Science Curricula by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Data Science Task Force
Analysis and Presentation, Foundational considerations, Knowledge
“Accessibility considerations for different groupings of users including those with special needs”
84% of industry respondents say it is important or very important to their company to hire developers and designers with accessible technology skills.
60% said it was difficult or very difficult for their organization to find job candidates with accessibility skills. 0% said it was easy or very easy.
41% of companies consider accessibility certification credentials as a differentiator in hiring.
As educators, we have to ensure that the current and the next generation of data scientists, provide public-facing outputs (websites, analysis reports, etc.) that are accessible.
If you are on a Windows machine go to Settings > Ease of Access > Narrator, and then turn on the toggle under Use Narrator.
If you are on a Mac go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Voice Over > Enable Voice Over
Color Blindness Simulator You can upload any image and in return get an image with colors that would be visible to color-blind people with specific color vision deficiency.
Okabe-Ito 2008 Color Universal Design. Color palette that is color-blind friendly.
Okabe-Ito color-palette Color codes for Okabe-Ito palette.
We can verbalize data via alternate text.
The speed of cars (mph) and the distances (ft) taken to stop
The speed of cars (mph) and the distances (ft) taken to stop
Chart type
Type of data
Reason for including the chart
Link to data or source (not in alt text but in main text)
Description conveys meaning in the data
Variables included on the axes
Scale described within the description
Type of plot is described
The automated alternate text for this plot is on the next slide.
This is an untitled chart with no subtitle or caption.
It has x-axis 'transmission' with labels automatic and manual.
It has y-axis 'count' with labels 0, 5, 10 and 15.
The chart is a bar chart with 2 vertical bars.
Bar 1 is centered at 1, and length is from 0 to 19.
Bar 2 is centered at 2, and length is from 0 to 13.
Drawback of using VI()
is that not every type of plot can be verbalized yet.
“Over the 3 years of TidyTuesday, there were 7,136 data viz tweets and only 215 (3%) of them had alt-text”
Data sonification is the presentation of data as sound.
Data tactulization refers to making data visualization in a form so that it can be touchable. The video shows printing of a tactile boxplot.
Different representations of data is one way of introducing accessibility to students but it is not meant to be a complete introduction to accessibility.
Recommendations for the Community
A picture is worth a thousand words.
An alternate text is worth thousand pictures.
Fixing a typo is a good first pull request
Fixing a typo and writing alternate text are good pull requests.
Accessibility should be taught at undergraduate, graduate, and equivalent practitioner trainings.
Accessibility can be taught as part of language specific (e.g. R) and language agnostic trainings.
Accessibility should be taught in a way that learners can apply their learning in non-data contexts.
Students should be assessed on and held accountable for their accessibility practices.
Accessibility is for everyone.
Prates, M. O., Avelar, P. H., and Lamb, L. C. (2019), “Assessing Gender Biasin Machine Translation: A Case Study with Google Translate,” NeuralComputing and Applications, 32, 6363–6381.
Raji, I. D., and Buolamwini, J. (2019), “Actionable Auditing: Investigatingthe Impact of Publicly Naming Biased Performance Results of Commer-cial AI Products,” in Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference onAI, Ethics, and Society, pp. 429–435.
Disability Rights UK. (2021), “Self-Driving Cars Pose Threat for DisabledPeople,” Available at
Meta Diversity Report (2022) “Embracing Change Through Inclusion: Meta’s 2022 Diversity Report” Available at
Google Diversity Annual Report (2023) Available at
World Health Organization (2023). “Disability” Available at