class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Reproducible Teaching in Statistics and Data Science Curricula ] .subtitle[ ##
Talk at Toronto Reproducibility Workshop ] .author[ ### Mine Dogucu, Ph.D.
University College London
University of California Irvine ] .date[ ### 2023-02-23 ] --- class: middle [Mine Dogucu & Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (2022) Tools and Recommendations for Reproducible Teaching, Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 30:3, 251-260, DOI: 10.1080/26939169.2022.2138645]( --- class: middle It is recommended that teacher-scholars - should adhere to reproducibility practices in their research - should teach reproducibility practices to their students. -- - should teach while adhering to reproducibility practices in their teaching. --- class: middle ## Example of tools for a statistics teacher-scholar - Research: R - Learning: Graphing Calculator - Teaching: Presentation Software --- class: middle ## An alternative - Research: R - Learning: ~~Graphing Calculator~~ R - Teaching: ~~Presentation Software~~ R --- class: middle ## Framework for Reproducible Teaching All teaching materials should be - computationally reproducible, - well-documented, and - open. --- class: middle ## Computational Reproducibility - Literate programming - Raw data - File organization - Version control --- class: middle ## Documentation - Data documentation - Folder documentation - Software documentation - Style guide --- class: middle ## Openness - Licensing - Hosting --- class: middle .pull-left[ <img src="img/ids-logo.png" alt=" logo with a human figure juggling charts, a computer, a database and a book" width="80%" /> ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="img/create-dir.png" alt=" logo with a human figure juggling charts, a computer, a database and a book" width="80%" /> ] --- <img src="img/tools.png" alt="Iceberg that shows R logo on top and rmarkdown, GitHub, HTML, and CSS logos in the bottom." width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: middle ## Why reproducible teaching? - Role modeling good practices -- - Reproducibility practices in teaching have high impact on course management. -- - The impact of teaching can be extended beyond the classroom when open practices are adopted. --- class: middle .font50[Reproducible teaching practices can be used in courses we don't necessarily teach reproducibility skills/tools (e.g. Probability).] --- class: middle .font50[We recommend instructors to make incremental changes from one academic term to the next and adopt reproducible practices gradually.] --- class: middle .font50[Reproducible teaching does not mean carbon-copying courses] --- class: middle center # THANK YOU .large[ []( ] .large[
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